Can ginger improve your sex life, and if so what are the ginger benefits sexually speaking? Read on to see where, how, and why ginger can help you.
Learn about hypogonadism in males and its link to erectile dysfunction. Discover the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for low testosterone and ED.
What is NoFap, and can it cure sexual dysfunction? Find out if abstaining from masturbation and porn can improve your health, or if it’s all hype.
Testosterone is key in everything from sex drive to energy. TRT therapy tops up low levels of the hormone. What is TRT? Learn about the benefits and more.
Jelqing is a penis stretching technique not supported by science. Find how it supposedly works and its associated risks.
Boost your sexual performance with these 11 expert tips for men. From exercise to stress reduction, learn how to enhance your bedroom game naturally.
Swollen penis shaft or swollen foreskin? Uncover what’s causing your swollen penis, from allergic reactions to skin conditions, and what you can do about it.
Uncover the truth about a buried penis syndrome (aka hidden penis) — a condition where excess skin or fat hides the penis.
“Limp dick” and “soft dick” are slang for erectile dysfunction (ED). Explore limp dick causes and treatments, like ED meds, therapy, and lifestyle tweaks.
Do penis enlargement pills work? Find out why these so-called penis growth pills may not be the solution you’re looking for.
Curious about the refractory period? Discover what it is, what happens during it, and how to shorten it for a more fulfilling sex life.
Learn about the average penis size and why it's not as important as you think. Find out what the numbers really say and how they compare to popular beliefs.