Some men turn to male enhancement surgery when they feel self-conscious about their size. Is penile enlargement surgery right for you? It depends.
Is natural Viagra an actual alternative to Viagra? Is this alternate Viagra even safe? Here’s what you need to know about these supplements.
Penile sensitivity a little too high to fully enjoy your sex life? Here’s how to decrease sensitivity sexually, and last longer in bed.
Does Cialis help with premature ejaculation? We get into the research on whether tadalafil can help you last longer in bed.
If you’re tapping out after round one of sex, you probably want to improve stamina in bed. We’ve provided tips on how to increase male sexual stamina.
Can you use sildenafil for premature ejaculation treatment? Here’s what research says about the potential benefits of Viagra for PE.
Is sildenafil safe? If you're wondering what makes sildenafil a gold standard treatment for ED, how it works and sildenafil contraindications, read on.
Learn the many health benefits of fish oil for men, plus, the research on whether or not fish oil can increase testosterone and other aspects of your sex life.
Testosterone boosters can take various forms, but not all of them work. Learn about tesosterone boosters for men, their benefits, and potential side effects.
Non-penetrative sex is a great way to find satisfaction in intimate relationships without intercourse. Here are six ideas for enjoying sex without penetration.
The latest trend popular with some celebrities is sexual fasting, a period of abstaining from sex. Could a sex fast have serious benefits and help you in bed?
How does alcohol affect a man sexually? We’ll explore the connection between alcohol and sex and how a few drinks affect men in bed.