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Can You Take Viagra and Cialis Together?

Mike Bohl, MD, MPH, ALM

Reviewed by Mike Bohl, MD

Written by Geoffrey C. Whittaker

Published 02/07/2023

Updated 04/18/2024

When it comes to erectile dysfunction (ED) treatments, Cialis® and Viagra® are often thought of as either-or choices. But many young men ask me questions like, “Can you take Cialis and Viagra together?” And they’re surprised to hear that “either-or” circumstances can sometimes include an “and” solution.

Cialis (tadalafil) is long-lasting and can be taken daily or as needed before sexual activity. Viagra (sildenafil), on the other hand, works best when taken as needed one to four hours before sex.

So, can you take Viagra and Cialis together?

You shouldn’t combine full doses of Viagra and Cialis. Having said that, there are some circumstances when a provider might deem it appropriate to take a compounded drug that combines the active ingredients in both medications at lower levels.

Here’s what to know.

Cialis, Viagra and their generic equivalents are both FDA-approved ED medications belonging to a class of treatment options called PDE5 inhibitors. PDE5 (short for phosphodiesterase type 5) is an enzyme that reduces blood flow to the penis, so by inhibiting it, there is more blood flow to the penis. 

These ED drugs essentially stop the actions of PDE5. They help you get and stay hard by keeping the smooth muscles of your blood vessels that supply the penisrelaxed, so blood can keep flowing in more easily.

This increase in blood flow can make it easier to get an erection when you feel ready for sex and maintain it during sexual intercourse.

ED Treatment

Same ingredient as Viagra®, 95% cheaper

Cialis lasts a long time, and Viagra works quickly. Because of this, many men with ED wonder if they can take Cialis in the morning and Viagra at night to make the medications even more effective at treating erectile dysfunction.

Generally, you should only take one medication or the other. Combining Cialis and Viagra could lead to complications and increased side effects, which could include sudden drops in blood pressure.

While it’s not wise to DIY a combination of Cialis and Viagra, there are some ways to take these medications together safely.

Still, it isn’t a good idea to make those decisions on your own. These drugs aren’t meant to be taken together at their full, commercially available doses. You shouldn’t mix Viagra and Cialis without a prescription and guidance from a healthcare provider.

In fact, the patient information packets that come with Viagra and Cialis warn specifically against combining them — those warnings are there for a reason.

Erectile dysfunction medications can pose some serious dangers when misused, so it’s important to access and take them the right way.

Talk to a healthcare professional, be open about your medical history and answer questions about your health and sex life honestly.

Taking both medications can increase the chances of certain side effects of Cialis and Viagra, like:

  • Low blood pressure

  • Fainting

  • Priapism (when an erection won’t go away — an emergency condition)

  • Chest pain

  • Indigestion

  • Back pain

  • Stuffy nose

  • Dizziness

Combining two of the same type of medication also increases the risk of side effects from other drug interactions. So if you’re combining these medications for some reason, you should be especially careful of the dangers of mixing them with:

  • Nitrates

  • Alpha-blockers

  • Other ED prescription drugs like avanafil (brand name Stendra®)

  • Nitroglycerin

  • Grapefruit juice

  • Erythromycin

  • Riociguat

  • Libido supplements

  • Poppers (which contain nitrites)

  • Medications for pulmonary hypertension, heart disease or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH or enlarged prostate)

Always let your healthcare provider know what else you’re taking so they can tell you if it’s safe to start a new medication.

ED treatment personalized

There are safe ways to take Viagra and Cialis together. You’ll just need a prescription from a healthcare professional who can judge whether a combination treatment is safe.

So, how can you take Viagra and Cialis together safely? The answer lies in “compounding.” This is when pharmacists create personalized medications for patients by combining a customized mix of active ingredients at individualized doses. 

This allows providers to deliver ED treatments in a way that may fit a patient’s individual needs and preferences better than a commercially available medication.

Chewable ED Hard Mints

The hard mints from Hims are a great example of a compounded ED medication. These personalized chewable tablets contain clinically proven ingredients known to treat erectile dysfunction.

Hims chewable ED hard mints are available in five variations, depending on the needs of the patient, as determined by their prescribing medical provider:

  • Vardenafil (in two different dosages). This fast-acting option has the same active ingredient as Levitra® and Staxyn®.

  • Tadalafil (in three different dosages). This long-lasting formulation is now offered as either a daily or as-needed chewable with the same active ingredient as Cialis. 

The combination of Viagra and Cialis together is considered an “off-label” use, meaning it’s not the FDA-approved usage.

But some sexual medicine experts do sometimes prescribe name-brand or generic Cialis and Viagra at the same time for guys they think can benefit from combining the unique characteristics of both drugs.

A published clinical trial reported that combination treatment with sildenafil citrate and tadalafil (the active ingredients in Viagra and Cialis, respectively) resulted in similar rates of side effects and better effectiveness compared to using only one drug.

ED Treatment

Enjoy sex like you used to

Can you take Viagra and Cialis together? In certain cases, but it depends on the dose.

Sexual medicine is evolving toward more personalized, patient-centric care. So there could be a situation where the effects of Viagra and Cialis together offer a patient the perfect balance to live life to the fullest.

That said, it’s important to remember that this must be done under the watchful supervision and medical advice of a healthcare provider, for your own safety.

Your provider can also help you navigate the complex world of ED causes, which include triggers of psychological ED, like anxiety, depression and sexual performance anxiety.

Ready to find the right erectile dysfunction medication for your needs? Reach out today.

1 Source

  1. Cui H;Liu B;Song Z;Fang J;Deng Y;Zhang S;Wang H;Wang Z; “Efficacy and Safety of Long-Term Tadalafil 5 Mg Once Daily Combined with Sildenafil 50 Mg as Needed at the Early Stage of Treatment for Patients with Erectile Dysfunction.” Andrologia, Feb. 2015,
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This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Learn more about our editorial standards here.

Mike Bohl, MD

Dr. Mike Bohl is a licensed physician and the Director of Medical Content & Authority at Hims & Hers. Prior to joining Hims & Hers, Dr. Bohl worked in digital health at Ro, focusing on patient education, and as the Director of Scientific & Medical Content at a stealth biotech PBC, working on pharmaceutical drug development. He has also worked in medical journalism for The Dr. Oz Show (receiving recognition for contributions from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences when the show won Outstanding Informative Talk Show at the 2016–2017 Daytime Emmy® Awards) and at Sharecare, and he is a Medical Expert Board Member at Eat This, Not That!.

Dr. Bohl obtained his Bachelor of Arts and Doctor of Medicine from Brown University, his Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Healthcare Leadership from Cornell University, his Master of Public Health from Columbia University, and his Master of Liberal Arts in Extension Studies—Journalism from Harvard University. Dr. Bohl trained in internal medicine with a focus on community health at NYU Langone Health.

Dr. Bohl is Certified in Public Health by the National Board of Public Health Examiners, Medical Writer Certified by the American Medical Writers Association, a certified Editor in the Life Sciences by the Board of Editors in the Life Sciences, a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition Coach by the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and a Board Certified Medical Affairs Specialist by the Accreditation Council for Medical Affairs. He has graduate certificates in Digital Storytelling and Marketing Management & Digital Strategy from Harvard Extension School and certificates in Business Law and Corporate Governance from Cornell Law School.

In addition to his written work, Dr. Bohl has experience creating medical segments for radio and producing patient education videos. He has also spent time conducting orthopaedic and biomaterial research at Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals of Cleveland and practicing clinically as a general practitioner on international medical aid projects with Medical Ministry International.

Dr. Bohl lives in Manhattan and enjoys biking, resistance training, sailing, scuba diving, skiing, tennis, and traveling. You can find Dr. Bohl on LinkedIn for more information.


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