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Penis Shrinkage: Causes, Treatment & More

Kelly Brown MD, MBA

Reviewed by Kelly Brown MD, MBA

Written by Shannon Ullman

Published 05/30/2021

Updated 03/11/2024

When you think of your penis shrinking, you might think of what happens after you’ve taken When you think of your penis shrinking, you might think of what happens after you’ve taken a cold shower or bath.

A shrunken penis is typically a temporary, sometimes embarrassing situation that can be fixed when you warm up, or if you get aroused and increase flow to the blood vessels in the penis.

But for some men, penis shrinkage can be a permanent issue that keeps their members at a reduced size. Penis shrinkage, also known as penile atrophy, is often tied to aging but can occur for other reasons.

We’ll dive into what causes penis shrinkage and the available treatment options to help you manage this condition.

Before diving into the world of penis shrinkage, let’s discuss why penis size is such a popular topic among men. 

According to a review of studies, many men feel that their penis is not large enough or that they have a small penis compared to other men. In addition, the review found that 45 to 68.3 percent of men wished they had a larger penis.

But is it actually true that all these men have penises that are “too small?” Most are probably pretty average, but some people may actually have penile shrinkage.

There are limited studies on why penis shrinkage or atrophy occurs — especially compared to other men’s health issues like erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation. 

From the evidence available, there are a few reasons why penis shrinkage or atrophy occurs — some of which are preventable or reversible, and some are of which are not. We’ll go through each risk factor one by one. 

ED Treatment

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A common question is “Do penises shrink with age?” According to research, there may be a connection. 

As you age, you can expect your body to undergo different changes. You stop growing, your hair turns gray — and your penis may get smaller. 

According to a review, atherosclerosis of the penis, an age-related condition that causes the thickening or hardening of arteries, can also cause changes in penile collagen. This can make it difficult to get erect, possibly contributing to penis shrinkage. 

Have you ever heard the terms “grower” and “shower?” Growers are men whose penis length significantly grows in length when they go from flaccid to erect, while showers do not have this increase in length between the two states.

In a review of studies involving 274 patients who had penile measurements, and a penile duplex Doppler ultrasound (PDDU), the majority of younger men were more likely to be growers, while older men were more often showers. This may lead to the perception of penile shrinkage.

Another reason for penile atrophy as you age? Research shows that as you age, you experience an increase in visceral fat and the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.

Visceral fat is the fat stored deep in your abdomen. An increase in visceral fat can negatively impact erectile function, potentially leading to erectile dysfunction and other health problems.

Along with how much fat you have, your levels of testosterone, a hormone that gives you all your masculine characteristics, can change as you age. And when your testosterone levels are out of whack, you may face sexual dysfunction. 

A study involving 47 older patients with ED revealed that testosterone deficiency can cause penile fibrosis, which is any fibrotic disorder that affects the functioning of your penis. 

It can also cause organic erectile dysfunction, which is the inability to get an erection for penetrative sex or sustain an erection until the deed is done, specifically due to physical causes like vascular issues, Peyronie’s disease and side effects from medication. 

The study also shows that there’s a strong association between age and testosterone deficiency, reaffirming that aging is a significant risk factor for penile atrophy.

Because of these conditions, penis shrinkage can become a multifactorial issue for older adults, meaning it can arise from the many health problems that develop as you age. 

Weight Gain

As we briefly covered in the last section, having a lot of fat can lead to sexual dysfunction problems. 

So, if you are overweight or have obesity, you increase your chances of erectile function issues like penis atrophy. Weight and ED go hand-in-hand, as the more body fat you have, the more likely you are to deal with impotence.

One study found that a high body mass index (BMI) is closely related to a reduction in erect penis size, and weight gain can shorten the length of a limp or flaccid penis.

Prostate Surgery

Radical prostatectomy, a surgery that removes the prostate and is used as a treatment for an enlarged prostate gland or cancer, can cause complications that affect a man’s sexual performance. 

Research involving 105 patients who were treated for prostate cancer with radical prostatectomy showed that their penises shrunk an average of one centimeter 12 months post-surgery but tended to recover their size in 1–3 more years. 

ED after prostate surgery is also possible, alongside other complications like urinary incontinence.

Diseases and Congenital Causes

Penile shrinkage may also arise due to congenital issues, or conditions that one has since birth.

Peyronie’s disease, or penile curvature, is a disorder where scar tissue forms in the tunica albuginea, under the penis’s skin. This scar tissue, also known as a plaque, causes the penis to curve or bend during an erection.

Peyronie’s disease can make sexual intercourse painful, challenging or downright impossible. 

While this disorder is commonly found among older men, a study revealed that 8.2 percent of men presenting with Peyronie’s disease were under the age of 40.

According to one study, penile shortening is associated with medical conditions like Peyronie’s disease and congenital anomalies.

Erectile Dysfunction

While it has not been confirmed that erectile dysfunction is directly tied to penile atrophy, there are some potential connections that you should make a note of — especially if you have ED caused by radical prostatectomy.

Research suggests that this sexual dysfunction problem may be an independent risk factor for penile shrinkage and atrophy. 

Another study involving men with and without impotence revealed that those with erectile dysfunction tend to have shorter penises.

Radiation and Hormone Suppression

Certain cancer treatments, as well as hormone replacement therapies (HRTs), are linked to a change in penis size. 

While we previously covered prostate cancer surgery, there’s research that indicates radiation therapy for prostate cancer may also contribute to penile atrophy.

According to a study of 948 men, 2.63 percent of them complained of reduced penis size after receiving prostatectomy or radiotherapy consisting of external beam RT or brachytherapy with or without androgen deprivation therapy. 

The study also mentions that these men felt that their shorter penis contributed to problems in their relationships and led to treatment regret.

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Okay, so now that you know what can cause penis shrinkage, you’re probably wondering how to fix it. 

First, it’s important to keep in mind that there isn’t a ton of evidence to determine if a man’s penis size is associated with his ability to get hard and his sexual activity. So, while you probably want to address any underlying condition, your penis size may not really affect your sex life at all.

But that doesn’t mean it won’t affect things like your self-confidence or your libido, both of which are worth addressing.

The good news is there are some options to combat the causes of penis shrinkage, increase penis length, bolster your confidence and improve sexual health.

Let’s look at what treatment options are available to treat or manage penile shortening and increase penile size.

Vacuum Erection Devices

Vacuum erection devices (VEDs) are devices with a closed-ended clear plastic cylinder and a vacuum pump. The device uses negative pressure to increase blood flow to the penis to help with erectile dysfunction. VEDs can be manual or battery-operated.

According to a review, these devices are becoming the first-line treatment for erectile dysfunction and rehabilitation of erectile functioning following prostate cancer treatments. The review showed that vacuum erection devices are effective in combination with penile injections or oral medications. 

Another review of studies involving men who’ve underwent radical prostatectomy found that the use of VEDs may be effective for preserving penis size, but further research is necessary to confirm.

Oral Medications

There are prescription medications that can help you manage erectile dysfunction.

PDE5 inhibitors (PDE5is) are first-line drugs to treat erectile dysfunction. They work by stopping the action of the PDE5 enzyme, resulting in increased the blood flow to your penis. PDE5 inhibitors can help you obtain and sustain an erection in the bedroom.

Here are the PDE5 inhibitor medications available on the market:

If pills aren’t your thing, consider hard mints or chewable supplements as a treatment option. 

Other Medications

If your penis is shrinking because of an underlying medical condition, such as low testosterone, taking medication to address the underlying cause could help with penis size and appearance.

Penile Implants

A penile implant or prosthesis is another option for treating penile atrophy. These devices are approved by the Food and Drug Administration for erectile dysfunction. They help improve sexual function with cylinders implanted into the erectile tissues of the penis, which can increase your erectile rigidity.

Other conditions where penile implants can be helpful include Peyronie’s disease, penile fibrosis, post-priapism spongiofibrosis and psychological impotence.

For the right patient, out of all the erectile dysfunction treatments, penile implants can have a high satisfaction rate and deliver predictable and reliable results.

But surgery under anesthesia is required to insert the penile implant, and because a penile prosthesis is one of the most invasive treatments for erectile dysfunction, it’s the least popular. It also can come with potential complications, such as device failure, improper device insertion or infection.

While research shows that penile implants don’t lengthen your penis, there’s one FDA-cleared implantation device called a Penuma implant that has been proven to aid in increasing penis circumference.

Speak with your healthcare provider or urologist to discuss the best treatment for erectile dysfunction and penile atrophy.

Other surgeries

Depending on what’s causing your penis shrinkage, other types of surgeries might also help. One penile-enlargment surgery involves cutting the suspensory ligament that holds the erect penis upright, which may result in a longer-looking flacid penis, but has other downsides.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle habits could contribute to penis shrinkage.

If you have obesity, it could help to lose weight through diet and exercise. You may also want to stop cigarette smoking, if you’re a smoker, as there is a relationship between smoking and ED.

If you want to make lifestyle changes, make sure to get medical advice from a healthcare provider first.

ED Treatment

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So, can a penis shrink? Absolutely.

From aging to prostate cancer surgery, there are many reasons why you may lose some penis size. But don’t fret — solutions are available to lengthen your penis, increase sexual performance and boost your self-confidence in the bedroom.

  • The main reasons you may notice some penile shrinkage are aging, weight gain, prostate surgery, certain conditions like Peyronie’s disease, erectile dysfunction or hormonal issues.

  • Depending on your individual situation, some treatment options are available, such as erectile dysfunction treatments, penile implants and vacuum devices. Additionally, maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle can help improve your penile health. 

You can never learn too much about your penis, so check out our blog on penis facts, which briefly covers penis shrinking, and learn about what jelqing is.

35 Sources

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Kelly Brown MD, MBA
Kelly Brown MD, MBA

Dr. Kelly Brown is a board certified Urologist and fellowship trained in Andrology. She is an accomplished men’s health expert with a robust background in healthcare innovation, clinical medicine, and academic research. Dr. Brown was previously Medical Director of a male fertility startup where she lead strategy and design of their digital health platform, an innovative education and telehealth model for delivering expert male fertility care.

She completed her undergraduate studies at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (go Heels!) with a Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Science and a Minor in Chemistry. She took a position at University of California Los Angeles as a radiologic technologist in the department of Interventional Cardiology, further solidifying her passion for medicine. She also pursued the unique opportunity to lead departmental design and operational development at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, sparking her passion for the business of healthcare.

Dr. Brown then went on to obtain her doctorate in medicine from the prestigious Northwestern University - Feinberg School of Medicine and Masters in Business Administration from Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management, with a concentration in Healthcare Management. During her surgical residency in Urology at University of California San Francisco, she utilized her research year to focus on innovations in telemedicine and then served as chief resident with significant contributions to clinical quality improvement. Dr. Brown then completed her Andrology Fellowship at Medical College of Wisconsin, furthering her expertise in male fertility, microsurgery, and sexual function.

Her dedication to caring for patients with compassion, understanding, as well as a unique ability to make guys instantly comfortable discussing anything from sex to sperm makes her a renowned clinician. In addition, her passion for innovation in healthcare combined with her business acumen makes her a formidable leader in the field of men’s health.

Dr. Brown is an avid adventurer; summiting Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania (twice!) and hiking the incredible Torres del Paine Trek in Patagonia, Chile. She deeply appreciates new challenges and diverse cultures on her travels. She lives in Denver with her husband, two children, and beloved Bernese Mountain Dog. You can find Dr. Brown on LinkedIn for more information.

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