While agitated depression's not a formal condition, that doesn't make it less real if its happening to you. Here's what to do about agitated depression.
We’ve explained what sadness and depression are, as well as how temporary feelings of sadness differ from the mental illness that is major depression.
We’ve explained what divorce depression is and the available treatment options to help you successfully deal with your symptoms and adjust to post-divorce life.
There are several common symptoms of clinical depression that can serve as early warning signs that you or someone else may be affected. Read on to learn more.
Though depression makes dating difficult, with the right approach and outlook, it’s still very possible to have an active dating life. Here is how.
Post-college depression or post-graduation depression refers to the depression that often develop after finishing college. Read on to find out more.
Apathy refers to a lack of interest, feeling or concern. Read on to find out what apathy is and how it can affect your thoughts, feelings and behavior.
Read on to learn the difference between anxiety and depression as well as what signs and symptoms to look out for.
Losing sleep isn't something you’d ever expect to make you happier, but sleep loss can increase your risk of depression and other mood disorders.
It can be easy to fall into depression after losing your job. Read on to learn more about the signs of job-loss depression and what you can do to help heal.
Persistent depressive disorder, or dysthymia, is a long-lasting form of depression. It's treatable, with a mix of medication, therapy and lifestyle changes.
Learn about atypical depression: what it is, symptoms, causes, treatments and more.