The 2022 Report
We think about it, talk about it, dream about it, Google about it—yet somehow we’re still in the dark when we turn off the lights. In short, we can’t seem to find the spot when it comes to starting the conversation about sex.

So, we went deep under the covers, conducting a 7,234-person, nationally-representative study* and a series of in-depth interviews with experts to get to the bottom of this top-of-mind topic. The Sex Report is a first-ever report based on that data that shares the naked truth about our sex lives—(un)covering everything from realities, perceptions, and myths to our fears, fantasies, and fetishes.

Let’s get it on.
Theme 01
How much sex are
we really having?
Most of us feel that “everyone else” is having better, hotter, and simply more sex than we are. But, when we think about improving our own sex lives, we’re less interested in how much and more in what kind—wanting to explore trends, toys, and fantasies.
Everyone’s having
having more
more sex than me.
sex than me.
Everyone’s worried
worried that
that everyone’s
having more sex
having more
than them.
sex than them.
25% of Americans haven’t had sex in the past month, but 95% of Americans assume that other people have.

75% of America assumes other people have sex once a week or more, only 54% of Americans actually do.
25% of Americans haven’t had sex in the past month, but 95% of Americans assume that other people have.

75% of America assumes other people have sex once a week or more, only 54% of Americans actually do.
Americans want to
want to have
have more sex.
more sex.
Americans want to
want to have
have different sex.
different sex.
22% of Americans say “having more sex” is something they’d like to improve about their sex lives, but 72% are interested in sex trends they haven’t tried yet like voyeurism, polyamory, and digital sex work.
Theme 02
How men and
women get it done
It’s no surprise that we want different things at bedtime. Men want to explore fantasies, women want to explore realities (as well as, well, sleep). While the female orgasm is often considered tricky terrain, they’re not the only ones struggling to reach their climax.
Men want sex,
women want
Everyone wants a
wants a little
little tenderness.
The majority of women’s fantasies reportedly ran hot, but nearly half of men (45%) are daydreaming about sex that’s more imaginative, experimental, and expansive.

Men get more romantic with age, women get more tired. 53% of Boomer men say they cherish romance over sleep vs. 40% of Gen Z men. While 70% of Boomer women cherish sleep over romance vs. 57% of Gen Z women.
Only women
fake orgasms.
Everyone does.
About 9% of men have never orgasmed and 39% of men fake orgasms from time to time.

28% of men say it’s “difficult or impossible” for them to orgasm during penetrative sex.
Theme 03
The stats on
generational gaps
The most pervasive assumptions about sex with age are that men can’t get it up and that women don’t want to. In reality, erectile dysfunction impacts men of all ages, and women are still extremely sexually interested (maybe even more so) as they get older. We also happen to be on the cusp of a new sexual revolution, led by a new generation.
Male sexual
Male sexual
dysfunction happens
after 40.
after 40.
Sexual dysfunction
can happen anytime.
can happen
86% of respondents believe that male sexual dysfunction is related to age, almost one quarter of people we surveyed (23%) believe that sexual dysfunction for men can’t even occur before 40.

But 65% of all men have experienced at least one sexual dysfunction (including ED, premature ejaculation, performance anxiety, and low sex drive) in the past year. You do the math.
Older women
Older women don't
don't want to
want to have sex.
have sex.
Older women
Older women want to
want to have
have sex, but aren't.
sex, but aren't.
26% of women aren’t having sex right now compared to 15% of men, and half of Boomer women aren’t having sex compared to one quarter of Boomer men.

One third of Gen X women want to have sex, but aren’t, and Gen X women as a whole are still sexually interested.

56% of Gen X women are interested in a new or emerging sex trend, they outpace the average American in their interest in a range of sex toys (of those who haven’t tried them yet), and are as comfortable expressing their sexual fantasies as their Gen Z counterparts.
The sexual
The sexual revolution
ended in the 70s.
ended in
the 70s.
A new one is
A new one is just
just getting
getting started.
Gen Z women are, statistically, the most sexually exploratory demographic. 42% do not identify as heterosexual, and 75% are interested in one or more emerging sexual trends (over 2x as interested as the 32% of older women).

Nearly as many Gen Z women have watched porn alone in the past year (39%) as Gen Z men (43%). The divide between Boomers (8% of women vs. 51% of men) is far more vast.
Theme 04
Opening the incognito
window on porn
As much as it changes our perceptions about sex (the type we should be having and how our bodies should look and operate during it) we just can’t seem to look away.
Porn turns
Porn turns men on.
men on.
It also stresses
them out.
A majority (53%) of men say porn has changed their perception of what sex should be like.

That same majority say porn has changed their perception of how long they should last and how erect their penis should be.
Theme 05
Unmasking how the
pandemic affects sex
The pandemic has given people time (and space) to think about what they want out of their sex lives. From experimenting in the bedroom to exploring celibacy, Covid shook things up in some pretty unprecedented ways.
Social distancing
slowed down our
slowed down
sex lives.
our sex lives.
Sexual distancing
switched up our
switched up
sex lives.
our sex lives.
79% say the pandemic has changed their sex lives… for better and worse.

As many people say their sex life has gotten more experimental and fun (21%) as more routine (20%).
The majority
The majority of
of Americans
Americans (82%)
(82%) believe
believe in the right
in the right to
to an abortion.
an abortion.
The decision to overturn Roe v. Wade left people feeling angry (37%), concerned (40%), nervous (22%), and lost (21%). 86% of people say that healthcare companies have a key role to play in reproductive support. We hear you. At Hims & Hers we’re committed to our mission of opening the dialogues and providing the resources to help you live your healthiest life.
Feeling lost?
Take a look at this map from the Center for Reproductive Rights. It’s updated in real time to show  the latest bans, restrictions, and protections in each state. They also have tons of educational content if you want to learn more, and ways to get involved if you want to protect and advance reproductive rights.