The Hims & Hers Community Member Council

Like you, these members provide valuable insights that help us make our brand the best it can be for our customers.

Meet the Council ↓

Email [email protected] for details on joining

Ivory Giles

Atlanta, GA

My personal journey with weight loss and my experience using Hims & Hers products have transformed my body and mindset, and I'm eager to share that journey! I am passionate about advocating for others who are looking to take charge of their health through innovative and personalized healthcare solutions. I am excited to help Hims & Hers continue to strengthen its services, products, and community, ensuring that it reaches and positively impacts others as well.

William Dickerhoff

Livonia, MI

I’ve spent years of my life well over weight, one time reaching 440lbs. I would lose it and then get unmotivated and it would fall back. I’m really excited to help spread the word of my success to help motivate others to seek the help that Hims can provide and also provide feedback to Hims about how they can reach more people.

Caroline Sheldon

Manchester, NH

I am excited to be part of the Hims & Hers Community to share my experiences and make a difference in health and wellness for everyone, especially women. As someone with an autoimmune disease, I have first hand experience with how difficult it is to advocate for yourself in the world of healthcare. I strongly believe in easy access to transparent healthcare treatments and pricing, and I'm happy to be part of making that a reality with this community.

Deryl Richardson

Atlanta, GA

I’m excited to represent Hims & Hers and join the Community Member Council because the brand’s focus on accessible, stigma-free wellness solutions aligns with my values. I’ve personally benefited from their innovative approach and appreciate their commitment to empowering individuals. As a council member, I hope to contribute ideas that amplify their mission and help make a meaningful impact.

Christina Argento

Staten Island, NY

I am honored to be part of the Community Member Council this year and am truly excited to share my ideas surrounding mental health and weight management & how to better help women gain awareness and access to doctors & pharmaceuticals. My goal is to be vocal about bringing awareness to these stressors and to help promote Hers to those that may be unsure of where and how to start their journey in tackling their mental stressors and getting to their ideal physical and mental state.

Stephen Brandon

Bremerton, WA

My experience with Hims & Hers has been eye-opening—it’s refreshing to see healthcare made so accessible and simple to navigate. After being diagnosed with hypertension, I was looking to facilitate a change to improve my overall health. Being on the council is a great opportunity to share ideas and help improve the experience for everyone. I’m looking forward to representing the community, working with the team, and making a real difference in how people connect with their health.

Anna Funke

Indianapolis, IN

I've always been particularly passionate about the intersection of mental and physical health and a more holistic approach to wellness. I've had a long history of health and weight challenges, and have appreciated the support I've found through the broader Hers community. As a member of the council, I'm hoping to bring my personal struggles (and now progress) in my mental and physical health to help make others more comfortable advocating for themselves to get the care that they need.

Tamera Gaines

Detroit, MI

I believe in the power of self-care and the importance of making health and wellness simple and approachable for everyone. I’m excited to be part of the Hims & Hers Community Member Council to help shape conversations around health and connect with others who share the same values. I believe healthcare should be simple and accessible for everyone, and I’ve personally experienced how Hims & Hers empowers people to take control of their health in a convenient way.

Scott Wilson

Dallas, TX

I joined the Hims Community Member Council to share my transformative experience and inspire others to overcome their own challenges. On my personal mission to balance health and professional success, I faced significant challenges in recent years with weight loss. Changes in my metabolism, a demanding work schedule, and struggles with physical self-confidence made the journey difficult. However, after turning to hims, I successfully lost 65 lbs, improved my diet, and enhanced my mobility.

Lisa McCluskey

Cincinnati, OH

I deeply value the transparency and honesty Hims & Hers brings to women’s healthcare. This modern approach aligns with my values and is a much-needed shift in today’s healthcare landscape, particularly for women. I’m passionate about sharing my experiences with others, especially those who may be hesitant about telehealth. Additionally, I’m eager to provide feedback that could help enhance how products are perceived and delivered, ensuring they continue to meet the needs of a growing community.

Owais Iqbal

New York, NY

My personal and professional goals is to increase access to quality healthcare and wellness products and services. Thats why I love Hims & Hers, as they provide amazing products and services available and within reach to everyone! By joining the council, I hope to shape the customer experience for the better and meet exciting like-minded individuals!

Lisa Hallock

Annapolis, MD

Hers aligns with my value of supporting brands that offer products with easy to understand instructions, detailed care, fast delivery, and most importantly high quality products and providers. As a council member I am hoping to give a unique insight, both as a Gen-Xer and as a former psychiatric counselor and researcher. I believe I can offer a valuable point of view coming from a standpoint where I have many choices offered to me, but only choose a few valuable ones.

Douglas Foxford

West Jordan, UT

I’ve struggled with weight my entire life. Hims gave me an easy and affordable means of taking control of my body and my life. I’m still working out and changing how I eat. It’s not a diet, I call it my “New Menu”. I’m aiming to drop another 40 pounds too. I hope I can help Hims & Hers to continue to provide amazing service to people. Looking forward to hearing what they have in mind, helping guide from my experiences, and offering the perspective of the customer.

Terri-Nichelle Bradley

Atlanta, GA

I’ve experienced the importance of self-care and how transformative it can be, and I admire how Hims & Hers makes solutions approachable and stigma-free. As a council member, I hope to amplify the voices of diverse communities, contribute to innovative ideas that deepen the brand's impact, and support initiatives that make wellness attainable for all. Together, I look forward to driving positive change and fostering an even stronger connection between Hims & Hers and the communities it serves.

Interested in being a part of our council?

Join the Hims & Hers Community Member Council and share your thoughts and ideas with us!

If accepted in the council, you'll participate in monthly virtual meetings and attend an exciting annual summit to connect with peers and our team.

Interested in joining next year's cohort? Email us at [email protected], and we'll send you the details when applications open.

We can’t wait to hear from you!